StrengthsTest – Peter Christian Rabeneck – Glücksrabe
Peter Christian Rabeneck is the founder and namesake of Glücksrabe. In the course of his work he came across behavioral patterns that could not be “hypnotized”. Finally, he decoded these with the help of the work of Fritz Riemann and he created the StärkenTest. The lucky raven, stands as a symbol for the possibilities that are in each of us and for the happy, successful, satisfied and free life that is associated with it.
The StärkenTest stands for the latest coaching and personal diagnostics. It finally builds the bridge between conventional coaching and mental coaching.
Peter Christian Rabeneck is the link. As a former manager, business economist and trainer in the automotive industry. He has understood the importance of new forms of coaching that combine conscious and unconscious actions. Quality and reliability are a must from conservative as well as ehtical aspects. Since 2004, numerous people and companies have successfully used our concept.
Peter Christian Rabeneck
I started my career at a small Volvo dealer in Munich. Until today I benefit from the responsible attitude of the management. To be flexible and to always have the focus on the customer and to appreciate the employee as the most valuable thing in the company. Even then, I wondered about myself and my colleagues, how we kept living the same “mistakes”. How can you really change that in a sustainable way, I asked myself?
That’s how my hobby became my profession. Today, I know the answers and I know that we urgently need to change our training and coaching concepts. Really change and not like many do, hold the same content instead of face to face, now digital. This is like staying with the old partner and just changing the bed.
If trainings and coachings are to be successful, they must reach the subconscious, only here the significant changes are reached. Only here can a person really develop and change. This is how the simple and revultionary StrengthsTest was created, which shows people in the simplest way who you are and how you can better understand yourself with others. Working with the subconscious gives everyone the chance to accept themselves, to be more successful and to grow beyond themselves and to have joy in life again. Yes even if it sounds like a phrase – to be happy.
“There is a diamond in every human being, we just have to bring it out.” Peter Christian Rabeneck