Who am I really and what is my potential?

Please note that the following descriptions are excerpts* from the StärkenTest® result that you received after the StärkenTest® and are general extreme representations!

These will help you in your self-assessment. Each person is unique and valuable in its own way. We always have several types of being or strengths (potentials) in us. These strengths have very different effects on each other – the respective individual expression influences the overall picture!

After you have done the StärkenTest®, many things will be clearer to you. My recommendation, please do the StrengthsTest® first – Then read the descriptions and take advantage of the non-binding, free 15 minute consultation.

*Why only excerpts, see below!

After you have done the StärkenTest®,
many things will be clearer for you.

One man Band – Maker

This person, stands in contrast to the friend type. This type puts himself first in the foreground. No matter in which situation, his subconscious checks which advantages and disadvantages arise. Depending on the characteristics, these people also come across as arrogant, sometimes even unapproachable. They are cautious about new relationships “Drum prüfenfe wer sich ewig bindet” a typical phrase of this nature. They are clearly positioned and stand for independence, which often makes them good fighters.

These people do not like to give things out of their hands. Everyone around you has to earn your trust….

More after your StärkenTest® result

You are people of clear short words. You do not like to repeat yourself.

Where can we find you in your professional life?

These people are often good at selling themselves and like to be at home in sales….

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What can disturb you?
More after your StärkenTest® result
In partnership?

More after your StärkenTest® result

Interaction with other “strengths

More after your StärkenTest® result

The friend – harmony

This person is in contrast to the doer type. These people virtually seek the closeness of others. Depending on their characteristics, your entire happiness in life may depend on it. They like to put back, go on hold, so that others are better off. Depending on your characteristics, you are almost addicted to harmony. They are also artists in suppressing bad experiences. It just doesn’t fit with the unconscious life goal of harmony. They are often faithful and reliable and have good antennas as far as the “mood” is concerned. Are often very understanding and considerate. This can go so far with you that you always put back in life and neglect your own goals….

More after your StärkenTest® result

Where can we find you in professional life?

Everywhere where perseverance, knowledge of human nature, trust is required. Preferably in social and educational professions. But also the economy discovers just these people, they fit ideally to flatter hierarchies…

What can disturb you?
More after your StärkenTest® result

In partnership

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Interactions with others

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The Strategist

This person is in contrast to the type “The Flexible”. These people prefer clear lines of thought, thought processes. For them it is a kind of security. Depending on the characteristics and especially on how high or low the other values are, we find different attributes in you. You belong to those from whom sentences originate, such as “Never change a winning horse”, or “We have always done it this way”. Both sentences have basically more in common than they distinguish at first sight.

You often have difficulties with people who are very pronounced in the Flexible type….

More after your StärkenTest® result

Where do we find you in your professional life?

On the one hand, in all professions where continuity is important and also stamina…

More after your StärkenTest® result

In partnership

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The interactions with others

More after your StärkenTest® result

The flexible – life artist

Where is the next adventure, where is the next highlight, where is there something to discover. This urge to discover can be found in all situations with the flexible, but it doesn’t have to be.

Depending on the intensity and strengthen the other types: In vacation planning, leisure activities, work life, love life. This is not about wanting to hurt other people, often they do not understand this unconscious urge and then blame themselves. This can also lead to depression, when you force yourself to be continuous without understanding why you are like this. It can also happen that you are extremely dissatisfied with yourself and your constant flexibility. You then reproach yourself for not being able to persevere….

More after your StärkenTest® result

Where do we find you in your professional life?

They sometimes love the stage, many artists have a high flexible part. In the old world of work they often had a hard time, they were often shunned by companies because they often change jobs or even fields of activity. Only recently, some companies understand the advantages of this…

More after your StärkenTest® result

In partnership

More after your StärkenTest® result

The interactions with others

More after your StärkenTest® result

Why only excerpts!

Our brain tends to want to analyze itself – unfortunately, this happens cognectively and thus not really brain-friendly.

The subconscious works paradoxically and not logically. We interpret much too much into it and follow what we were told once before. “You are ….. ” . This would not strengthen your strengths in the result. Therefore, please use the possibility of non-binding and free advice for 15 minutes.

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